Glamping Essentials: What to Bring

CampingJerry Lee

Are you ready to embrace the great outdoors without sacrificing comfort? Glamping, the fusion of glamour and camping, offers a unique way to experience nature with a touch of luxury. Unlike traditional camping, glamping allows you to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors while still having access to modern comforts. But what should you bring to ensure your glamping experience is both enjoyable and hassle-free? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the glamping essentials list you need to pack for a memorable adventure.


Check Site Amenities for Glamping Stay


Before you start packing essentials for glamping, it's crucial to understand what amenities will be available at the glamping site. Unlike traditional camping, where you might need to bring everything from kitchen utensils to bedding, glamping sites often offer a range of essential amenities. To make the most of your glamping experience, inquire about the following:

Electricity and Network Services

Many glamping sites offer access to electricity and network services, allowing you to charge your devices and stay connected. However, it's important to note that some remote locations might not have reliable power or good mobile reception. Check with the glampsite in advance to determine whether you need to bring portable chargers or solar-powered gadgets.

Kitchen Facilities and Fridge Situation

If cooking is part of your glamping plan, ask if the site provides gas facilities. Knowing whether you have access to gas for cooking can influence your food preparation choices.

Besides, glamping accommodations vary in terms of kitchen facilities.Some sites provide fully equipped kitchens with stoves, ovens, and refrigerators, while others might offer more basic setups. Inquire about the availability of cooking utensils, cutlery, and crockery. If the glampsite doesn't offer a fridge, consider bringing a cool box and freezer blocks to keep perishable items fresh.

Bathroom Facilities

The bathroom situation can also vary greatly at different glamping sites. Some sites offer private bathrooms with modern amenities, while others might have shared facilities or even outdoor showers. Check whether towels, toiletries, and robes are provided. If needed, pack environmentally-friendly toiletries and shower essentials.

What to Wear for Glamping?


When it comes to clothing of what to take glamping, striking a balance between style and practicality is key. Here's a breakdown of what to wear for your glamping adventure:

  • Outdoor-Centric Clothing: Opt for clothing that can seamlessly transition between outdoor activities and relaxation. Consider packing items like moisture-wicking t-shirts, comfortable pants, and lightweight jackets.
  • Layering Essentials: The weather can be unpredictable, so bring clothing that allows you to layer up or down as needed. This way, you're prepared for both warm daytime adventures and cooler evenings.
  • Rain Gear: Don't let unexpected showers dampen your glamping experience. Pack a reliable rain jacket or a poncho to stay dry and comfortable during wet weather.
  • Footwear: Sturdy and supportive footwear is a must for outdoor exploration. Choose comfortable hiking boots or trail shoes that offer both protection and traction.
  • Sun Protection: Shield yourself from the sun's rays with a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. These items are crucial for staying comfortable and protected during sunny days.
  • Warm Comfort: Evenings can get chilly, regardless of the season. Pack cozy layers such as cardigans, sweaters, and long pants to keep warm while you relax in your camping tent.
  • Adaptable Outfits: Opt for versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to suit various activities. This ensures you're ready for everything from hiking to lounging around the campfire.
  • Swimwear: If your glamping site features water activities, pack your favorite swimsuit. Whether it's a dip in a natural pool or a hot tub under the stars, you'll want to be prepared.

Remember, comfort and functionality are paramount when assembling your glamping wardrobe. By combining practical outdoor gear with comfortable clothing, you'll be ready to fully embrace all the adventures and relaxation that glamping has to offer.

What Food to Take for Glamping?


One of the joys of glamping is the opportunity to prepare delicious meals in a beautiful natural setting.To ensure your taste buds are well-treated during your escapade, here's a guide on what food to bring for the glamping packing list:

  • Breakfast Bliss: Kickstart your day with a satisfying breakfast. Consider bringing oats for a wholesome porridge or indulge in fresh baked goods from a local bakery for a touch of indulgence.
  • Lunchtime Eats: For lunch, opt for convenience and flavor. Pack ingredients for assembling sandwiches – think bacon, cheese, and a variety of veggies. This option offers a quick and tasty midday meal.
  • Barbecue Bonanza: Embrace the quintessential glamping activity by planning a barbecue feast. Bring meat or vegetarian alternatives for grilling, along with an array of sauces and marinades to tantalize your taste buds.
  • Savory Selections: Prepare dishes that are both easy to cook and delightful to eat. One-pot wonders like pasta dishes or stir-fries can be delicious and straightforward to make in a glamping setting.
  • Condiments and Cooking Essentials: To elevate your culinary creations, ensure you have a selection of condiments, spices, and cooking oil. These essentials add flavor and versatility to your meals.
  • Beverage Bliss: Don't forget to pack your favorite beverages. Hot chocolate, tea, and coffee are perfect for chilly mornings and evenings by the fire. And of course, a bottle of wine or some refreshing beverages for unwinding in style.
  • Gourmet Delights: Elevate your glamping menu with a touch of gourmet elegance. Consider bringing artisanal cheeses, charcuterie, olives, and other delectable treats to create a memorable dining experience.
  • Indulgent Desserts: Treat yourself to delightful desserts. Roast marshmallows over the campfire and make s'mores, or prepare gourmet sweet treats that satisfy your cravings.
  • Snacking Selection: For those in-between moments, pack a variety of healthy snacks. Think vegetable crisps, dried fruits, nuts, and energy bars – perfect for sustaining your energy during outdoor activities.

By planning your things to take glamping thoughtfully, you can savor a diverse array of flavors and enjoy culinary experiences that enhance the natural beauty of your surroundings.

Glamping Essentials for Kids


If you're glamping with little ones, ensuring they have a comfortable and enjoyable experience is a top priority. Here's a checklist of essentials to keep kids entertained and safe during your glamping adventure:

  • Audiobooks: Elevate the glamping experience for kids with engaging entertainment. Bring along audiobooks that captivate their imagination and make travel exciting.
  • Nature Exploration: Foster their curiosity by equipping them with binoculars, magnifying glasses, and nature identification guides. Encourage outdoor exploration and hands-on learning.
  • Campfire Delight: Roasting marshmallows over a campfire is a must. Pack marshmallows, skewers, and chocolate to create delightful treats and cherished memories.
  • Outdoor Play: Elevate the fun with outdoor games like Frisbee, football, or kite flying. Let them revel in the natural landscape while staying active and entertained.
  • Celestial Discovery: Utilize stargazing apps to spot constellations and planets. Lay out blankets for a celestial spectacle that captivates young minds.
  • Nature Crafts: Encourage creativity with simple crafting supplies like colored pencils and paper. Let them create nature-inspired art, turning natural elements into beautiful creations.
  • Comfortable Attire: Ensure kids are dressed comfortably in layers and suitable footwear for outdoor activities. Don't forget to pack rain gear for unexpected weather changes.
  • Kid-Friendly Snacks: Keep them fueled with wholesome snacks like granola bars, fruits, and crackers. Satisfy their appetites with a variety of treats for sustained energy.
  • Safety Precautions: Prioritize safety with essentials like sunscreen, insect repellent, and any required medications. Ensure their well-being throughout the glamping experience.

By incorporating these essentials, you can curate an enchanting glamping adventure that engages and delights young explorers, creating lasting family memories.

Glamping Essentials for Pets


For those who consider their furry friends as part of the family, glamping can be an ideal adventure for pets too. Ensure your pets are comfortable and catered for by packing these essentials:

  • Pet Bedding: Bring your pet's bed or blanket to create a familiar and comfortable sleeping space.
  • Leash and Harness: Optimize freedom and security for your pet with an extended leash during walks and outdoor adventures.
  • Food and Water Bowls: Don't forget to pack collapsible food and water bowls for your pet.
  • Identification Tags: Ensure your pet wears a collar with your contact information for identification.
  • Pet Waste Bags: Maintain cleanliness by packing biodegradable waste bags for cleaning up after your pet.
  • Toys and Entertainment: Keep your pet engaged with familiar toys and interactive items to prevent boredom.

These essentials prioritize your pet's safety, and comfort during your glamping adventure.

Other Glamping Essentials

Beyond the basics, there are additional items that can enhance your glamping experience and make it even more enjoyable:

  • Tech Essentials: Portable power banks and solar lanterns can be lifesavers for keeping your devices powered in the great outdoors.
  • Outdoor Gear: Depending on your activities, consider bringing items like binoculars, hiking gear, and fishing equipment.
  • Comfort Items: Pack comfortable cushions, throws, and blankets to create cozy outdoor seating areas.
  • Personal Care: Don't forget items like sunscreen, insect repellent, and any necessary medications.
  • Entertainment: Bring books, board games, or musical instruments to unwind during downtime.


Glamping offers the perfect blend of luxury and outdoor adventure. By packing the right essentials, you can enjoy the beauty of nature without sacrificing comfort. From clothing to food and entertainment, careful planning ensures that you have everything you need for a memorable and enjoyable glamping experience. Whether you're traveling with family, friends, or pets, the key is to strike a balance between embracing nature and indulging in modern comforts.