The HEIMPLANET Geodesic Tent is a cutting-edge 2-3 person inflatable camping tent designed for those seeking innovation and quality in their outdoor gear. Crafted from 40D High Tenacity Polyester with Double Ripstop, this white tent offers higher tensile strength and tear resistance. It's lighter, softer to the touch, and rustles less, enhancing your camping experience.
The 3-man geodesic tent's unique entrance and ventilation system features five closable ventilation points, ensuring sufficient air exchange and maintaining a comfortable climate inside. The star-shaped roof design, with the centre of the tent acting as an additional support point, creates five rain drains, offering a point-symmetrical pitch that effectively handles rainwater.
With a total height of 125 cm, an inner tent height of 100 cm, and a base area of 4.8 m2 (inner tent: 3.7 m2), this tent offers ample space. Thoughtful storage solutions include several sewn-in pockets, a vestibule at the entrance, and a removable compartment under the roof for cooking utensils, shoes, and more. The Multi-Chamber Security System provides emergency stability with individual chambers, allowing for easy repair or replacement of the inflatable diamond mesh (IDG).
Weighing 4.8 kg and packing down to 40 x 32 x 23 cm, this tent is easy to transport. Included in the delivery are pegs, a repair set, guy ropes, a packsack, a pump adaptor, and a gear loft. The HEIMPLANET Geodesic Tent combines innovation, quality, and practicality in a logical and user-friendly design. Whether you're an avid camper or a weekend adventurer, this tent offers the technology and features to elevate your outdoor experience.